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Dual Language Immersion

Program Staff

Sra. Seto & Sra. Arce

1st Grade
Sra. Alvillar & Sra. Sanchez 

2nd Grade
Sra. Grimm & Sra. Guevara

3rd Grade
Srta. Hallsted, Sra. Vera

4th Grade

Srta. Gutierrez

4/5th Grade Combo

Sra. Martinez

5th Grade 

Srta. Cruz

English Language Instructional Resource Teacher (ELIRT)

Sra. Miranda

Language Arts Specialist (LAS)





Spanish Websites - Sitios web en español

English Websites - Sitios en inglés

Spanish Immersion Website Banner

The Lawndale Dual Immersion program was first instituted in August 2006 at Mark Twain Elementary with the first Kindergarten class. In 2012, the program expanded to middle school at Will Rogers Middle School. Beginning with the 2022-23 school year, the Spanish Dual Language Immersion program expanded to Billy Mitchell!

Program Vision
Lawndale supports and values bilingualism, biliteracy, cultural identity, and cross-cultural competence. Our vision for the Dual Immersion program is for our students to attain biliteracy and bilingualism with exceptional levels of academic excellence and social confidence to be competitive in the global community.

Program Goals
LESD’s  Dual Immersion Program promotes the following goals for its students:

  • Bilingualism and Biliteracy - The development and maintenance of Spanish and English proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing
  • Multicultural Understanding - Students develop positive attitudes and appreciation toward world languages and cultures in our global society, promoting their involvement in world issues.
  • The integration of students with a wide range of abilities
  • A positive environment in which the minority language (Spanish) is respected and celebrated
  • Provide an opportunity for students to acquire a second language while maintaining their native language and culture.
  • Maintain academic performance at or above grade level in English and Spanish as measured by classroom grades, common assessments, benchmarks and state assessments.

Learn more about Dual Language Immersion

Dual Immersion Enrollment

Entrance into Dual Immersion after Kindergarten is done on a case by case basis and as space permits. Students who seek entrance in 1st grade are evaluated academically and linguistically. Students who seek entrance in 2nd - 5th grade must be able to speak, read and write Spanish as the required level. Visit our district website for enrollment information.

Frequently Asked Questions